Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen

I’m chatting with Kelly Diels, Feminist Marking Consultant, about the Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB). We’re talking about how empowerment is being misused and co-opted in the online world, how this upholds patriarchal systems, why self-care is a collective issue and what you can watch out for as a consumer to advocate for yourself and demand better. Specifically, the ways in which Kelly noticed how “empowerment” and social triggers were being used to market services and how this was misaligned with true empowerment. What the Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB) is and how to watch out for it. The ways in which FLEB uphold patriarchal systems and maintain authority over other women. How to become a more astute consumer and the specific tactics to watch out for. Why we need collective social change and personal success strategies to overcome our obstacles and have more successful self-improvement models. How women are conditioned to be “brands” (objects for consumption) and the ways this perpetuates feelings of inferiority. How coaches can become better at marketing their services and truly stand for empowerment, plus, so much more! 

Direct download: 94_episode.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST