Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen
I’m joined by Dr. Asher Larmie, Transmasculine weight-inclusive GP and leading expert in weight stigma. Asher is breaking down everything you need to know about weight loss medications like Ozempic and Wegovy. We talk about what the research says about the long-term effects of these medications, their side effects, how much weight you might lose and then gain back on them, and what the health benefits/risks might be.
In this episode, we talk about:
What GLP-1 medications are and how they work,
- The dangers and unknowns of these drugs,

- The parallels between these drugs and oxycontin,

- What the studies show about long-term weight loss from these medications,

- What happens when someone comes off the drug,

- Advice for if a doctor is encouraging you to take these medications,

- Plus so much more!
Get the shownotes:
Get the free 10-Day Body Confidence Makeover with 10 steps to feel better in your body at
If you're a professional who has clients or students that struggle with body image, get the Body Image Coaching Roadmap for professionals at
Direct download: 297_episode.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST